Two Mauds offers grants in or near the general Appalachian region; supporting grassroots, mostly volunteer-run,
501c3 organizations with annual budgets of $100,000 or less. Municipal shelters can also be considered under certain circumstances.
What Two Mauds funds:
> spay-neuter of owned pets or TNR of community cats
> programs that develop a comprehensive "neuter before adoption" for animals adopted to the public from a
municipal shelter
> humane traps for TNR/SNR
> equipment for spay-neuter clinics to open or expand
> expenses or supplies to transport animals to a spay-neuter clinic
What Two Mauds does not fund:
> spay-neuter of animals in the care of a rescue group or private shelter
> medical expenses of animals in rescue or private shelter
> expenses related to the relocation of animals
Primary Spay-Neuter Grants
Two Mauds can provide support of up to $10,000. We generally do not fund an organization with more than 2 regular grants (2 years) or for more than $10,000 in cumulative grants. Exceptions to the $10,000 threshold can be made for highly effective and innovative programs.
Matching Grants
After an organization has received a regular grant(s) they will automatically be eligible for matching grants. Two Mauds will match funding that is specifically allocated for spay-neuter by local government (city, county, township, etc). The purpose of the matching grant program is to incentivize local governments to invest in spay-neuter as a proactive and humane means of controlling overpopulation.
A matching total of $10,000 is available to each qualifying organization.
Marion Becker Memorial Emergency Grants
Funding is available to any organization which has received and reconciled a Two Mauds grant in the past, and is for time-sensitive, urgent situations. These funds should primarily be for spay-neuter but can also be for other veterinary costs or supplies.
The emergency grant program is named in memory of Marion Becker, Two Mauds Board member from 2009 - 2018, champion for historical conservation, supporter of The American Cancer Society and many animal welfare projects, mother, grandmother and lifelong cat-lover.